Our Chaplain – Carol Rider explains:

You might like to come to St Katharine’s on your own, perhaps for a day or for a little longer. Many people choose to come and stay at St Katharine’s on their own personal retreat.


Some people just book a room and create their own retreat or quieter time. These guests might join us for our twice daily worship or use the stillness of the Chapel at other times of the day. They might sit in the garden either in the sun or under the shade of our huge plane tree. They might use our small library and its comfy chairs. They might spend time here at St Katharine’s but they might also venture out to explore London visiting some of its wonderful architecture, art galleries and theatres. They might walk alongside the canals or the Thames. We have people from all around the world who come just to be here in the way they have found works best for them.


With the opening of ten new bedrooms alongside our Chapel, we can now offer personal retreats away from the busy-ness of the rest of our buildings. These rooms are slightly apart from our main buildings and are an excellent place for a few days quiet or retreat. Increasingly, we are being asked if we can provide somebody to guide people when they come to stay. This might be just to talk over what a person has experienced or it might be a request for an experienced Spiritual Director.

The aim of a Spiritual Director is to help you reflect on your life and experience and help you explore how you might become more open to the movements of the Spirit. Since the earliest days of Christianity people have realised their need to find someone who will walk with them on their journey of faith.

It is now possible for us to link you with a Director who will have been recommended to us by the London Centre for Spiritual Direction. If you would like any help planning your own or a group retreat at St Katharine’s, or you would like to consider somebody to support you while you are here, contact me. I look forward to welcoming you – Carol Rider


We offer a 24 hour package for a personal retreat with full board from £158.


If you are a member of the Clergy please call 0300 111 1147 to discuss rates.


Please call our events team to discuss further.